Getting Ready for AI? Start from Ground Zero: Digitization

AI has arrived, eagerly waiting to make our daily lives easier and streamline workplace operations. However, the question arises: how can artificial intelligence be integrated into a company's system when even basic digitalization hasn't made significant inroads yet?

The widespread adoption of AI is set to transform workplaces to an extent that we can only speculate about for now. Just as it's inconceivable for a company to operate without mobile phones, computers, or internet access today, it's likely that artificial intelligence will become indispensable sooner or later, especially for those companies aiming to stay competitive. Moreover, this transformation is likely to happen quickly, making it crucial to be prepared from the get-go.

Before AI Takes Center Stage...

Many companies are not yet fully prepared for the AI revolution, let alone digitization. There are many reasons for this, from security concerns to deeply ingrained habits, corporate traditions, and even the inability to reach non-desk employees.

According to Barathi Tamás, CEO of Blue Colibri, many companies can't even envision using cloud-based services, and the majority of non-desk employees can only be reached through a Facebook group.

 "It's great to dream about how AI will support onboarding processes, take over the role of HR professionals or other experts, automate tasks, and provide data. But in reality, many companies lack even the basic onboarding process. There's not even a checklist for what to do when a new colleague joins,"

 explained Barathi Tamás.

This can only mean one thing: in cases like these, companies need to accelerate digital transformation or risk falling far behind the competition.

Warning Signs: What Problems Can Digitization Solve?

In many workplaces, reaching colleagues with general company news is a real challenge, let alone directing them to an online platform for tasks like workplace safety training. They simply lack the necessary tools. Shift work means that employees often don't know each other very well, genuine community doesn't develop, employees can't reach their superiors with their questions, ideas, or concerns. There's high turnover, weak commitment, poor morale, employees can't see into processes or participate in decision-making, career paths stagnate, requesting time off is cumbersome, and reaching colleagues for training is difficult.

This list could go on, and it all points to the fact that without effective communication with non-desk employees and the digitization of corporate processes, most companies struggle to remain competitive.

New System, New Challenges, and New Benefits

A corporate internal communication platform accessible to every employee from anywhere and at any time offers numerous advantages, from streamlining onboarding and training processes to providing information and smooth transaction processing. Let's not forget that people increasingly prefer to handle their daily tasks digitally, so why should it be any different when it comes to workplace matters?

Just as a company's growth might necessitate a move to a larger office, increased headcount, opening new locations, expanding production lines, and more, the same perspective should apply to digitization.

The return on investment (ROI) for digital transformation and automation depends on various factors, including the industry and the efficiency of implementation. It undoubtedly offers significant long-term cost savings for companies, but it can also facilitate data-driven decision-making, improve employee and customer experiences, and enable more successful, transparent organizational operations.

A Strategic and Patient Game: Change Management

It's clear that laying the groundwork for a company's digital transformation requires many changes, which might seem like a daunting challenge at first. In addition to establishing an accessible internal communication platform for employees, digitizing processes is a complex task that necessitates organized preparation. And don't forget, the transition won't succeed without employee cooperation. They need to be prepared for the new system and the altered processes, ensuring everyone has access to the platform. It's also essential to promote the new corporate system and acquaint everyone with its benefits, as the ultimate goal is to make internal processes better and easier.

The good news is that there's a wealth of best practices and valuable experiences on how to approach digital transformation. In our free downloadable guide to digitalization, we've gathered the most important information and tips to significantly ease your strategic planning.

AI is just around the corner, but digitization is already knocking on the door. Open that door as soon as possible and digitize your corporate processes! Reach all your employees directly through the Blue Colibri mobile app. Boost productivity, say goodbye to paper-based administration, and expedite transaction processing! It offers secure, cloud-based sharing, efficient digital onboarding, and, last but not least, a fantastic community platform all in one.