Get rid of administrative chaos once and for all!

Digitize your administrative processes with Blue Colibri App to make them transparent, faster, and accessible to your entire organization.

 A man in overalls and hard hat holding a cup of coffee and a cellphone.

Thanks to Blue Colibri, we can inform our colleagues as quickly as possible, including physical staff. We use less paper and we can accelerate and digitize more and more processes.
- Güntner-Tata Kft.


Here's why you should focus on digitizing admin tasks:


Office workers lose 1/3 of their work time to administration, costing the service industry in 11 countries more than $5 trillion USD annually. 4 out of 5 managers agree that routine work processes cause significant delays, and 86% of workers say that automating processes would make them more productive. And yet, digitization is slow: 44% of managers agree that using email and spreadsheets for managing work reduces productivity at their companies.


Automate administration with ease

Blue Colibri takes the burden of administrative tasks off your employees' shoulders while making everyday processes and important documents easily trackable, and accessible to everyone.

Stress less, go paperless

Reducing the amount of paper used in your company has several benefits, including being more cost-effective and kind to the environment. Digital administration means that important documents and forms become easily accessible for all your coworkers, let them be in a warehouse or on the road. Instead of endless printing and scanning, making appointments and meeting in person, just sign everything on your smartphone.

A woman tossing papers into a pile, organizing her documents.
A person holding a pen and paper, ready to write into a calendar.

Keep track of your process statuses

We're all too familiar with the perils of administrative task hopping. Blue Colibri's intuitive interface makes it simple to customize administration features and to keep track of all issues and statuses via notifications and analytics. Our flexible platform can help you digitize and accelerate any of your unique business processes, from contracts and documents to requests, pay slips, performance evaluations, and more.

For us, Blue Colibri is now not only a platform for strengthening our internal information flow and community building, but it also supports our digitalization aspirations by allowing our employees to manage more and more administrative issues through the app.
- Hunland Group

A man wearing a brown shirt and a leather apron holds a smartphone in one hand and a clipboard in the other, looking intently at the phone screen.


Manage holiday requests, book holidays in advance.

Track performance management and evaluation in a customizable format, with first-hand analytics.

Build and manage customizable administrative forms like internal referral, expense management or anonymous complaint forms.

Store, view and download rules, regulations, guidelines or any company materials.

Manage any kind of booking effectively and in a transparent way.

Case studies

See how digitized administration will help you: download case studies and learn from the success of our partners.

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This is some text inside of a div block.
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Your free demo awaits

Are you ready to take a closer look? Schedule a demo with our team and experience Blue Colibri App firsthand!